We drove into Tahoe confident we would find a nice little private camping spot next to the lake where we could skinny dip and make love in the moonlight. What we found were camp sites much like the camping parking lot of Salt
We set up camp and went to sleep. At around 3 in the morning the camp site next to us became occupied and they went to work chopping wood. We inserted our earplugs and went to sleep. In the morning our new campmates were three kids from Las Vegas. We had fun teasing them and watching them survive was really interesting. They bought a tent and some Dorritos and Budwiser. The highlight of the trip was Carrie telling them their pants were falling off all the time.
They left their food out one night so a bear came in while we were sleeping and ate everything they had. We all slept through it. They spent the whole next day sharping there knives. We told them just to put the food away. They were nice kids who told us many stories by the campfire how tough they were. We enjoyed making fun of them.
Moral of the story: Kids are dumb.
We went on two killer hikes. One to a waterfall and the other to desolation forest where we swam in granite lake which took us several hours to hike into. Just the three of us. Mike & Carrie and Beartrap Bob.
Tahoe's youngest National Monument called Mosquito Tower!!
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