Tuesday, June 15, 2010

San Diego's Darren Burton

San Diego is home to the Southern Homo Sapiens Burtonus.  Specifically the Daerrnous Burtonus.  Or "Darren".  Not to be confused with the larger Northern Homo Sapiens Corous Burtonus who we are used to handling.

Where Darren is scary and unpredictable at first meeting, he turned out to be a wonderful guide and as a Botanist he described much of the Flora to us.  He was surprisingly knowledgeable about the Fauna at the San Diego Zoo where he toured us around. 

Darren took us to the hidden spots had us taste the local flavors.

As the day went on Darren got more attached to Carrie, he regularly showed the male Burtonus teeth baring trait, which meant he was ready for mating and not threatening us in any way.


Quick on her feet Carrie would often move the young Botanist to distractions that took the focus off of her.

One interesting trait the older Southern Burtonus taught Darren in his youth is how to easily forage for food from abandoned strollers.

1 comment:

Darren said...

You guys are awesome!